Wednesday 7 May 2008

Last Post!!!!


Age? 28.

Sex? female.

What is your degree subject? Psychology.

Does 'Being Bad' relate well to the other modules you are taking? Yes.

If so, how? And if not, why not? Im taking two psychology modules, this and film genres and I think they all fit together very well. The philosophical approach to this module was complemented by my psychological knowledge. Most of the ideas that came up in 'Being Bad' had been touched upon by my other lecturers.

Have you found 'Being Bad' too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?I found it slightly too easy.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?Not really, it was quite diverse.

Do you think the format for classes has worked well?Yes enjoyed the lectures.

What did you think of the module team?Found them all lovely and helpful. Pitched the lectures at a comfortable level.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?No, the time given for these is always too much.

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?Would not have been possible with our group, they even spoke over the lecturers!!

Information and talk from lecturers?I think there was enough.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary. Do you think this was a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
Yes I think it effectively introduced other disciplines into the topics we covered. Though using more psychological aspects could be useful.
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
Yes, looking at other disciplines opens individual topics more. I enjoyed that aspect of this module.

Do you think you benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?Yes (see above).

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?Yes, although I don't think the psychology degree allows it. But they would be popular modules.

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 'It Shouldn't Be Allowed' at level 2?No, my degree does not offer electives in the second year.

Would you recommend 'Being Bad' to a friend?Definately I have enjoyed the module.

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?It was the one and only time I will ever do a web blog and quite enjoyed it, though I thought I wouldn't. It was good to have the criteria so I knew what to aim for. I did not enjoy commenting on other peoples blogs and had to force myself to do it. Hopefully my blog is good enough.

What did you think of the other two assessments?I didn't enjoy writing the essay, but that may have been due to my choice of topic. The creative writing I really did enjoy, being a psychology student I don't get to be terribly creative. I didn't think 300 words for the rationale was long enough especially to include references.

What have you learned from the module?How to create and post thoughts onto a web log. Learned lots about the attitudes of society and that things labelled 'bad' aren't necessarily so.

What parts of the module have you found useful and why?Researching info on the web, looking in depth at topics such as infidelity, masturbation, body modification. I don't usually have time to stop and think about random topics so I enjoyed this module.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?Asking us to come up with field trip ideas, as we never used any of them!

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding 'Being Bad'?As I have said many times I thoroughly enjoyed this module. Our grades could be put on evision before given out.

Comment Five

OH MY GOD!!! How I laughed! Poor girl, I don't understand why your mate lied in the first place. I understand that he probably didn't think she would ever get the same tattoo but honesty sometimes does pay.She really should have checked the translation first, I feel so bad for her.My question is this, did she ever find out what it really meant?!

Comment Four

I think that celebrities shoplift in order to have control over at least one aspect of their lives. Imagine living in a state of madness, rushing from one place to another, always busy and then there's the paparazzi to deal with.I can understand the need to have control over what you would steal and when you would do it.However celebrities should be taught that no matter their level of fame or fortune they cannot act as they please.

Comment Three

I agree with your comment about Facebook and My Space, people shouldn't be putting personal information on to the web. I think this especially applies to children not only does it leave people open to stalkers but also psychos of many descriptions.Stalking is a serious issue and can get out of control if the victim does not report it. The stalker obviously needs medical help before the obsession is taken too far.

Comment Two

I think yes religion can ruin peoples lives. I saw a programme called 'Jesus Camp' and it horrified me. It was a place in America where they have groups of children as young as six yrs old, and they preach at them telling them how evil the world is. The youngsters jump up and down, cry and scream out Jesus' name. Now I'm all for teaching children being taught about various religions but calling them God's soldiers and telling them to wage war on the rest of society is completely wrong. Let them make up their own minds when they are old enough. It may be extreme to say it but this camp is bordering on child abuse, the damage that these adults are doing to these kids will be irreversible. The camp has been discontinued! (Thank God!)

Wednesday 30 April 2008


Many celebrities have been stalked, Jodie Foster, Britany Spears and of course most recently Uma Thurman. Stalking can range from sending letters to constantly following the intended victim. At the extreme stalking can be fatal not only for the victim but for their loved ones or even the stalker themselves.

Stalking is a series of actions that puts a person in fear for their safety. This can happen to 'normal' people, it's not just celebrities.

The above website gives practical steps to take to avoid being stalked including the following:

  • Take a mobile phone with you when you go out and vary your daily routine.

  • If you can't get a friend or family member to come with you, let someone know what your plans are.

  • Use a spare diary to make a detailed note of all incidents. Keep a record of letters and a tape of phone calls, so you can hand all evidence to the police.

  • Get an answer phone to screen calls and don't respond to any of your stalker's calls.

Tuesday 29 April 2008


This was a favourite passtime of many friends when I was younger (Yes! They are idiots!!). I unknowingly got into stolen cars twice, so technically am guilty of joyriding. Whilst researching this topic I came across an article about an eight year old boy joyriding!!! Now I know I was doing 'bad' things at eight but I would never have stolen a car!!

This particular boy stole a dumper truck!!!!!!!!

Local MP Nigel Evans said: “Eight-year-olds should be playing with Corgi cars, not stealing real cars.”

In the same area as the eight yr old lives police caught 1,075 people stealing vehicles in the last year – 495 of whom were youths under 18. Less than half of those, 215, were charged by police.

For more information go to the Lancashire Evening Post (below):

Comment one

I am a smoker and cannot believe your attitude.
The smoking ban really hasn't affected my life that much so for all those who thought 'Ha we have one up one the smokers' well not in my corner! I'm sorry if you think this post is unfair in it's comments but I was told to say it as I felt it. I am a considerate smoker I do not do it around people who don't smoke, if I smoke in the street I am usually away from other people, it is my decision to do it, I take responsibility for it but do not apologize. I understand what your brother says I enjoy it too and that is not just down to the fact it's addictive. You don't understand completely if you have never experienced it.
I don't mean to be evil but seriously if you're old enough to be at university you are old enough to get a job, rent a flat and then your brothers activities wouldn't affect your life at all.

Monday 28 April 2008


Pyromania is defined as a pattern of deliberate setting of fires for pleasure or satisfaction derived from the relief of tension experienced before the fire-setting. Pyromaniacs are very different from arsonists.

An arsonist will light a fire in order to destroy something. For pyromaniacs the reason for lighting fires is to see the flames and to experience the fire itself.

Some of the symptoms of this illness include the following:

  • Deliberate, purposeful fire setting on more than one occasion

  • A fascination with and attraction to fire, fire alarms, fire paraphernalia

  • Fire is not set for money, anger, social or political reasons, or to conceal criminal activity

  • Tension or anxiety prior to the action, followed by relief after the fire is set

  • Patient likes to watch fires of any kind

Pyromania is thought to be part of a bipolar disorder and the treatments for this can be found at the following site:

Sunday 27 April 2008

Unsolved Murders

Having already stated my interest in strange and wonderful things. I am now going to tell you about a fascination i have with Jack the Ripper. I have read hundreds of books about him/her (who can be sure it was a man!), books that look at many of the suspects and investigate the murders in detail. The fact that documents still exist of this crime is astounding, it is said that the police commissioner at the time knew exactly who he was, but because the killers identity was so high profile they would not arrest him.

There are many people who are thought of as suspects in this case the top five being:

  • James Maybrick

  • Francis Tumblety

  • Walter Sickert

  • The Royal Conspiracy

  • Joseph Barnett

This list has been compiled by the following website and they are rated by the public.

I personally feel that these murders will never be solved (a thought that annoys me greatly!!)

The person who committed these crimes was intelligent, brave, mysterious and extremely good at concealing themselves. Oh and a bit mentally disturbed!!

Friday 25 April 2008

Religion - when is it too far?

Religious fanatics can be found in every religion. I left school and worked at a Catholic Retreat Centre in Cheshire. The house is run by a group of priests and brothers called The Salesians of Don Bosco. They are a wonderful group of people whose main focus is getting young people to explore their faith in a fun and comfortable environment.

Every year there is team of volunteers who live and work at the centre, it really is an amazing place to work. The centre welcomes school groups of young people every week and runs a program with them which gets them to reflect on their life. It may sound to some as a fanatical place where children are forced to pray and converted to Catholicism but it's not.

The young people have a fantastic time getting to know each other, they are asked to realise ways in which they can improve their lives, schools, communities and the wider world.

There are many atheist websites out there which I think is a shame. Each to their own, I have no problem with people being different religions and having different faiths. There is a lot to learn from growing up within a faith and I don't agree with parents actively raising their children to be none believers. Nor do I believe in forcing a child to participate in particular religions, (wait till they are old enough to decide for themselves!) The following is a website featuring different beliefs on raising atheist children:

Thursday 24 April 2008

Crime at School!

I heard recently that the government is introducing American style metal detectors in schools in the UK. I'm sure there are a lot people who disagree with this as it goes against one form of another of a child's human right! (..or whatever!)

I do not have children, (thankfully!) but I have several nephews and nieces and I would welcome the instillation of these in their schools. Any development that is designed to keep them safe is, I think, a very good thing.

All schools now have security locks on the entrances to stop strangers wandering the halls and there is so much to worry about childhood illnesses, them being taken off the street, etc. I think that making sure children are safe from each other is equally important and that includes bullying.

£5,000 per detector is value for money when compared to saving lives, as I truly believe it will do. For more information on this check out the following website:

Wednesday 23 April 2008


I am not going to condone the use of drugs, even though I have had experience of some. The problem I have with this topic is the ease with which you can obtain them. I have known children of fifteen who were able to buy and use cocaine.

The following website states the drug, the percentage of the population using it and even the street price: (it actually reads like a manual for a would-be dealer!!)

Brian Idden MP, chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Abuse states that he had heard of children as young as eight in his constituency of Bolton who were drinking and using cannabis. I have to ask the question about this child's parents and how they are raising him. The average 8 year old is surrounded by their parents, school friends and teachers most of the time. How did they get hold of drugs.

The age of people experiencing things like alcohol, cigarettes and drugs is getting younger and younger.

Brian Idden MP, chairman of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Drug Abuse states that "One of the problems we have is that drug taking has now become so commonplace that it is widely regarded as socially acceptable." I don't believe that is true but something needs to be done.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Plastic Surgery

It seems that nowadays most celebrities have undergone some form of plastic surgery, (although most would not admit it!). We have all heard of botox, liposuction, and implants. But while conducting research for this site I came across a few I haven't heard of before like labiaplasty! Why on earth would anyone need this procedure unless a terrible accident had disfigured it!!

Plastic surgery was intended for those who needed constructive surgery after accidents not for celebrities who are in competition with each other. There are huge risks involved when considering undergoing any type of surgery, cosmetic surgery is voluntary and I can't understand it.

There is also the risk of not being able to afford a good surgeon so people choose a cheaper one which may mean they are not qualified, experienced or equipped to form the surgeries they offer. I am also concerned that people can get addicted to it and then take it to far.

The following website is about plastic surgery going wrong and it has a list which includes the following:

- Leakage or hardening of implants
- Reactions to medicine or anesthesia
- Slippage of implants
- Drooping, disproportionate or asymmetrical breasts
- Extensive scarring and possibly disfigurement
- Too much skin removed
- Death
- Nerve, tissue, muscle or organ damage

It's too scary to contemplate!

Monday 21 April 2008

Tattoos and body modification!

I am all for tattoos I think if you really want one then you should be allowed to. It is an expression of who you are, (can you tell I have several!).

I have many friends some of whom are heavily painted. They have them EVERYWHERE! My favourite one is black flames on a certain persons neck. (very nice!)

However I do think that it can be taken too far for example, Cat Man (Yes that's right Cat Man!) He not only has cat patterns tattooed all over his body but he has had whiskers implanted to his face, wants tiger fur transplanted onto his body and has changed his name by deed poll to Cat Man! Now it's none of my business but surely those wanting to go under this sort of transformation need to be assessed to discover the reasons behind it.

As I said I have several tattoos but I am not at the stage where I want bat wings transplanted or horns on the top of my head (although I've seen that done!)

To see Cat Man for yourself go to

Sunday 20 April 2008


Bridgend in South Wales has been nicknamed 'The suicide capital of Britain' after the death of at least 19 young people over the space of a year. All teenagers had pages on the same networking website and several knew each other. In one report I read it stated that several of the deceased had drunk heavily before hanging themselves and some had killed themselves due to the grief of losing their friends.

After the first few deaths someone should have noticed how strange these deaths were and offered counselling and comfort to young people in the area. I find it hard to understand how such a terrible thing can happen repeatedly in a small area, which has surely destroyed their community.

Doing research on this subject I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who had committed suicide while having a live web cam watching them.

The Internet seems to be giving some people a forum in which to commit suicide. In the case of Kevin Whitrick who did just that, other users were egging him on to do it. He told them what he was planning and they said, 'go on do it!' Now surely those people should take accountability for their part in his death. Although there were those who tried to talk him out of it, no-one it seems had the foresight to contact the police until it was too late. Obviously this man had deep rooted psychological issues, he needed help and inside was watched by at least 50 people as he ended his life. To find out more about this case go to

Saturday 19 April 2008

Arranged marriage

I was shocked to learn that arranged marriages are still happening today. When I was sixteen, (oh so long ago!) I had a friend at school who disappeared we later found out that she had been sent to India for an arranged marriage, we never saw or heard from her again.

After conducting research on this subject I found a few reasons for arranged marriages to be used by parents for their child. The one reason that kept coming up was to secure money or land, or for two prosperous families to be joined. There is no discussion about the happiness of the couple involved or whether they will make each other happy.

I am not a fan marriage in the first place let alone having my parents choose my husband, (my father and I do not agree on suitable boyfriends for me!)

The following website offers some interesting insights into this area, especially the point they make about these marriages having a higher success rate than Western marriages, although whether they are truly happy marriages or whether public pressure refuses to allow them to divorce is unknown.

Friday 18 April 2008


Most of us like a drink now and again (for some of you it may be more) but the trick is knowing your limit and then being able to stop yourself having just one more.
My teen years and twenties have been spent in the company of a wonderful group of bikers (they look scary but they aren't really) We regularly have parties which can end up being pretty wild, but alcohol is only one part of it. We do not have a party in order to get drunk! However my alcohol consumption has been quite high. Jack Daniels is my drink (hence the pic), no soda or ice (it only dilutes it!!)

I found an article from the Daily Mail newspaper on binge drinking which stated that one in four adults is a binge drinker. The phrase 'binge drinker' is associated in my head with teenagers not adults who have the maturity and sense to see how dangerous it can be.

The scariest item in this article is that pupils aged 8 years were going into school with hangovers. WHERE ARE THE PARENTS!!! Or failing that social services!!

I understand that people use alcohol for different reasons, to numb pain, to gain confidence, to forget a bad day, but honestly it won't make you feel better the morning after!!

Thursday 17 April 2008


I know most people feel that if stealing occurs just to gain material possessions then it is wrong but if stealing occurs in order for a mother to feed her starving children then its okay.

I'm not sure if I agree with that. The mother should never be in the position that her children are starving let alone that she needs to steal to provide for them.

OK its confession time! I am guilty of stealing from a shop I used to live by. I was 12 years old and all the kids I hung around with were older, (not even remotely an excuse I know)!!

It was around the same time I started smoking and doing a lot of other things that I will not be discussing on this blog! I was of an age that I knew right from wrong. my parents were very loving so that isn't even an excuse! Maybe growing up the youngest of five girls made me crave attention. My rebellious streak lasted a few years until I was found with stolen items by my father (not a man you mess with!!) I was made to return the items and apologize. It was very humiliating and I vowed never to steal anything ever again, and I haven't. Although I did continue with some of the other bad behaviours!!!!

According to the following website the most popular item to shoplift is razor blades!!! (how odd!!)

and 8% of adults who admitted this crime said it had occurred by accident! Now I was 12 years old and even I didn't try and pass it off as an accident!

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Dick Turpin

Murders, serial killers and criminals of all descriptions fascinate me and have since I was very small. One of the most famous highwaymen of all time was Dick Turpin.

I started research for Dick and found that most of the legend that we accept as true is actually factually incorrect. Turpin may have rode a horse named Black Bess but he would not have died to protect her (which is one of the legends), he actually may have worked her so hard that she died of exhaustion!
Harrison Ainsworth wrote and published a book about the life of Richard Turpin. This story quickly became legend.

The following website contains more information about Turpin and helps to explain what is true and what is false:

Most of the beliefs we hold about Turpin are in fact made up, a legend grew around a man who in essence was a thief, bully and murderer.

The reason I am so interested in people like this is that I believe we all have the potential to commit brutal crimes and I want to know what happens to push some people far enough to commit the crime.

Still I will be fascinated by this man and many others like him. If that disturbs anyone I apologize!!!

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Swinging in village!

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Friday 11 April 2008

Smoking - It's wrong but feels so good!!!!

I have been smoking for approx sixteen years, I have tried to kick the habit on several occasions and even though I have been determined to do it, it never quite works.

When I am not smoking I turn into a complete cow and have had people move out of the house we were living in because I was nicotine deprived.

I have been given several tips over the years but nothing quite worked. Following are a few of these tips and the reasons why it wasn't helpful:

The nicotine gum tastes dreadful
I am allergic to the adhesive used on the patches (and waterproof plasters etc.)
I have even been hypnotised twice (which obviously didnt work!!)

I tried to research some statistics to use on the successful ways in which others had quit but looking at all those sites just made me want a cigarette. So I was strong and stayed at the computer (not smoking!)

The purpose of this blog is to apologize to anyone I shouted at, was sarcastic towards (I'm good at that!) or that I made cry in my attempts to give up ciggies. I am truly sorry but it wasn't me it was the nicotine!!

For those willing to face the challenge head on here is a website of tips to aid you in your quest:

Good luck, I hope you succeed as for me I'm off to the smoking corner!!

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Sex Taboos Men Vs Women

Obviously there are many differences between men and women, but I am interested in how each gender views sex. I know that I am in danger of offending some people and not all agree with the views of their particular gender.

Having spent hours trawling the Internet looking for sites on this subject I found an interesting page, (although I am unsure of how scientific the research was!!!!)

This page not only deals with the different views of sex but all sorts of topics in a humorous way.

According to this site "Women prefer 30 - 45 minutes of foreplay. Men prefer 30 - 45 seconds of foreplay. Men consider driving back to her place as part of the foreplay."

Unfortunately even the humorous statements may have a grounding in fact!!!!

Sunday 6 April 2008

Infidelity - Good or Bad??

Infidelity is portrayed in the media, films, songs, books so is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Personally I feel that cheating of any kind is wrong, although it would depend on the type of relationship I was in at the time and the level of cheating that occurred. Is flirting or a kiss as bad as sexual intercourse??

The reason behind the infidelity is also important. If someone feels that they are not getting enough affection from there partner, it is not an excuse to begin an affair. Surely it would be simpler, kinder and less complicated to leave the relationship and begin with someone new.

According to the following website:

There are many reasons for infidelity to occur in relationship one of these is the mid-life crisis!!!
Surely by this stage of life most people should know better, they should know right from wrong. It would be much more acceptable to buy a fast car or a motorbike, (but please no leathers at this stage of your life!!!).

The same website also includes statistics about infidelity.
The most amusing statistic was the following:

Medical field(s) with the highest divorce rate: psychiatrists and marriage counselors - if this is whats happening to the practitioners god help the clients!!!!

Saturday 5 April 2008


I don't think masturbation is bad, nor do I think people should be ashamed to admit they explore their body. I regard it as normal, common thing to do. It is only the fact that we, as polite society, are not allowed to discuss this topic openly.

The following website states that 94% of teenage guys and 70% of teenage gals admit to masturbating.

It is often portrayed that boys partake more frequently than girls. I vividly remember being young and my aunt being disgusted that my cousin had his hands down his trousers (he was five yrs old!!). The old saying of "it will make you blind" comes to mind.

There is a woman in America who even teaches masturbation for women, now thats progress!!!!

Thursday 6 March 2008


Several years ago I was introduced to The Circus of Horrors. I was dragged along with a group of friends who I would describe as having unusual tastes. The room was lit only by red lights and I was shown to my seat by two zombies, (not a good start!). The show started when a woman appeared on stage and informed us that the first four rows would be covered in blood by the end of the evening, (I was in row two!!!).

Dockor Haze is the central character and very much in charge. The story = In the late 1800's the Moulin Rouge was turned into an erotic cabaret. Docktor Haze fleed his home in Transylvania and landed in France. He wanted to open 'Blood Thirsty Burlesque' so he purchased an estate then discovered the property was full of lunatics.......(oh no!)

The whole show lasted for three hours and I saw a man pierce himself with a metal rod, and hang weights from it, (see picture above). A man, garry stretch, who stretched his skin. A woman who walked along stairs made from swords and the incredible glass eating man. These are a few of the tamer ones so I do not offend! (Full details to anyone who asks!)

The website proclaims that the show is not suitable for chavs, sissies, close minded bigots or people of a nervous disposition.

The company are touring at the moment and it would make an amazing field trip for the module! We could see the show in Nottingham at the end of March!!!!!!!!!!!

My question is this = Is it wrong that I enjoy this show so much that I have been every year since that first visit five years ago?

This was a Mad House, A Looney Bin, A Sanitorium for psychotic and insane freaks of society....