Wednesday 30 April 2008


Many celebrities have been stalked, Jodie Foster, Britany Spears and of course most recently Uma Thurman. Stalking can range from sending letters to constantly following the intended victim. At the extreme stalking can be fatal not only for the victim but for their loved ones or even the stalker themselves.

Stalking is a series of actions that puts a person in fear for their safety. This can happen to 'normal' people, it's not just celebrities.

The above website gives practical steps to take to avoid being stalked including the following:

  • Take a mobile phone with you when you go out and vary your daily routine.

  • If you can't get a friend or family member to come with you, let someone know what your plans are.

  • Use a spare diary to make a detailed note of all incidents. Keep a record of letters and a tape of phone calls, so you can hand all evidence to the police.

  • Get an answer phone to screen calls and don't respond to any of your stalker's calls.

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