Thursday 17 April 2008


I know most people feel that if stealing occurs just to gain material possessions then it is wrong but if stealing occurs in order for a mother to feed her starving children then its okay.

I'm not sure if I agree with that. The mother should never be in the position that her children are starving let alone that she needs to steal to provide for them.

OK its confession time! I am guilty of stealing from a shop I used to live by. I was 12 years old and all the kids I hung around with were older, (not even remotely an excuse I know)!!

It was around the same time I started smoking and doing a lot of other things that I will not be discussing on this blog! I was of an age that I knew right from wrong. my parents were very loving so that isn't even an excuse! Maybe growing up the youngest of five girls made me crave attention. My rebellious streak lasted a few years until I was found with stolen items by my father (not a man you mess with!!) I was made to return the items and apologize. It was very humiliating and I vowed never to steal anything ever again, and I haven't. Although I did continue with some of the other bad behaviours!!!!

According to the following website the most popular item to shoplift is razor blades!!! (how odd!!)

and 8% of adults who admitted this crime said it had occurred by accident! Now I was 12 years old and even I didn't try and pass it off as an accident!

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