Sunday 20 April 2008


Bridgend in South Wales has been nicknamed 'The suicide capital of Britain' after the death of at least 19 young people over the space of a year. All teenagers had pages on the same networking website and several knew each other. In one report I read it stated that several of the deceased had drunk heavily before hanging themselves and some had killed themselves due to the grief of losing their friends.

After the first few deaths someone should have noticed how strange these deaths were and offered counselling and comfort to young people in the area. I find it hard to understand how such a terrible thing can happen repeatedly in a small area, which has surely destroyed their community.

Doing research on this subject I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who had committed suicide while having a live web cam watching them.

The Internet seems to be giving some people a forum in which to commit suicide. In the case of Kevin Whitrick who did just that, other users were egging him on to do it. He told them what he was planning and they said, 'go on do it!' Now surely those people should take accountability for their part in his death. Although there were those who tried to talk him out of it, no-one it seems had the foresight to contact the police until it was too late. Obviously this man had deep rooted psychological issues, he needed help and inside was watched by at least 50 people as he ended his life. To find out more about this case go to

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