Friday 18 April 2008


Most of us like a drink now and again (for some of you it may be more) but the trick is knowing your limit and then being able to stop yourself having just one more.
My teen years and twenties have been spent in the company of a wonderful group of bikers (they look scary but they aren't really) We regularly have parties which can end up being pretty wild, but alcohol is only one part of it. We do not have a party in order to get drunk! However my alcohol consumption has been quite high. Jack Daniels is my drink (hence the pic), no soda or ice (it only dilutes it!!)

I found an article from the Daily Mail newspaper on binge drinking which stated that one in four adults is a binge drinker. The phrase 'binge drinker' is associated in my head with teenagers not adults who have the maturity and sense to see how dangerous it can be.

The scariest item in this article is that pupils aged 8 years were going into school with hangovers. WHERE ARE THE PARENTS!!! Or failing that social services!!

I understand that people use alcohol for different reasons, to numb pain, to gain confidence, to forget a bad day, but honestly it won't make you feel better the morning after!!

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