Saturday 19 April 2008

Arranged marriage

I was shocked to learn that arranged marriages are still happening today. When I was sixteen, (oh so long ago!) I had a friend at school who disappeared we later found out that she had been sent to India for an arranged marriage, we never saw or heard from her again.

After conducting research on this subject I found a few reasons for arranged marriages to be used by parents for their child. The one reason that kept coming up was to secure money or land, or for two prosperous families to be joined. There is no discussion about the happiness of the couple involved or whether they will make each other happy.

I am not a fan marriage in the first place let alone having my parents choose my husband, (my father and I do not agree on suitable boyfriends for me!)

The following website offers some interesting insights into this area, especially the point they make about these marriages having a higher success rate than Western marriages, although whether they are truly happy marriages or whether public pressure refuses to allow them to divorce is unknown.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Not all arranged marriages are disaster areas, and not all of them are the same. Arranged marriages in my family consist of my family talking to the 'potential husband', and me meeting the boy. And only then would i be expected to make the decision of marrying him straight away/marrying him after more meet ups or if i decide to, to decline him.
Arranged marriages in Britian are very different to those from India and those portrayed in films.