Friday 11 April 2008

Smoking - It's wrong but feels so good!!!!

I have been smoking for approx sixteen years, I have tried to kick the habit on several occasions and even though I have been determined to do it, it never quite works.

When I am not smoking I turn into a complete cow and have had people move out of the house we were living in because I was nicotine deprived.

I have been given several tips over the years but nothing quite worked. Following are a few of these tips and the reasons why it wasn't helpful:

The nicotine gum tastes dreadful
I am allergic to the adhesive used on the patches (and waterproof plasters etc.)
I have even been hypnotised twice (which obviously didnt work!!)

I tried to research some statistics to use on the successful ways in which others had quit but looking at all those sites just made me want a cigarette. So I was strong and stayed at the computer (not smoking!)

The purpose of this blog is to apologize to anyone I shouted at, was sarcastic towards (I'm good at that!) or that I made cry in my attempts to give up ciggies. I am truly sorry but it wasn't me it was the nicotine!!

For those willing to face the challenge head on here is a website of tips to aid you in your quest:

Good luck, I hope you succeed as for me I'm off to the smoking corner!!

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